As we set out on our very own "Path to Six-Figures", my wife Sonia and I were interviewed by the creator and founder of the FourPercent, Mr. Vick Strizheus.
As we set out on our very own "Path to Six-Figures", my wife Sonia and I were interviewed by the creator and founder of the FourPercent, Mr. Vick Strizheus.
It’s a very raw and real candid interview where we dive deep and share how we went from the brink of bankruptcy and foreclosure to creating a 6-figure online business from the comfort of our home.
We breakdown and discuss the strategies and techniques we used... and are currently using, as well as the mistakes we made along the way.
And what we did to correct them.
It’s a very eye-opening interview I think you’ll enjoy 🙂
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As we set out on our very own "Path to Six-Figures", my wife Sonia and I were interviewed by the creator and founder of the FourPercent, Mr. Vick Strizheus.